Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hello George Town!

12/16/15 - Wednesday

We wake up in the dark (as usual) and I'm excited because we've arrived at our first port of call: George Town!  I've never been to the Caribbean before, and the only thing we had planned today was to hang out at the beach.  Because I am crazy and anal retentive, I not only researched and found a beach club (I like bathrooms.  Clean bathrooms) but I booked us a cabana too because with a cabana you get shade, a table and 4 chairs as well as 4 chaise lounges too.  Sounds good to me!

Raymond and I dress in our bathing suits and walk the 3 steps across the hall to our parents' cabin.  I go out to the balcony and take my first look at George Town.  Eh, I can't tell what it looks like from here, but I'm excited anyway.  Good morning Caribbean!

It's going to be a pretty busy day in George Town with multiple ships tendering in:

Per the usual, we head to the buffet, where I once again meet my old friends: Royal Caribbean breakfast pastries.  Lord they're so good.  Just looking at them now makes me drool.  (sigh)

I eat a pretty hearty breakfast, but not as much as usual since well, we're going to the beach, and I don't need to be super bloated while floating around in the water.  Then we're ready to go!

We get in the elevator to go down to the tendering station.

And look outside at the view:

We get on the tender pretty quickly:

We're all decked out for the beach - when we arrive on the tender, it's easy to find a taxi.  They direct you to their van and wait for it to fill up and drop you off at whatever location you want.  For the Royal Palms Beach Club it was $5 per person.  It's a little too far to walk, for us anyway, but not a far drive at all.

We got there pretty early, only one of the cabanas were taken and we picked the one closest to the main building for proximity to the changing rooms and toilets.

Here's what the cabanas look like:

looking at the other cabanas from ours

other cabanas

our cabana

and of course, we had to take a picture of us at ours:

If I were to do it again, I don't think I'd get a cabana.  I do like having a table, our own lounge chairs, and some shade, but I really don't like the locations of the cabanas.  You're paying extra money to be behind everyone else so you don't get a great view of the water.

Here's the view from our cabana:

this is a crap selfie, but you can see exactly where we are relative to the water

The service was fine - the employees were friendly, though the drinks were kinda pricey, but I think for the same amount of money, we could've just done with getting 4 lounge chairs, umbrellas and food and drinks for less we spent.  And because we got there early, we could've picked chairs in fantastic locations with a great view instead of a view of the water obstructed by everyone else.

Regardless, it was a fantastically beautiful day and I overcame my disappointment.

My parents wandered off and laid their towels beneath some shade for a better view of the ocean while Raymond and I wandered around on our own.

I thought it was time for another selfie:

The one thing I wanted to try was conch.  We don't have that in So Cal, so I ordered the conch fritters and a few drinks.  Eh.  The conch was chopped up into teeny tiny pieces and most of the fritter was breading.  I couldn't taste conch.  I felt like I was eating fried carbs in some fancy mayo.  

The iced tea was good, but it better be for like, $5. 

I mostly spent the day on my lounge chair reading a trashy novel and then cooling off in the ocean when it got hot.  My parents actually took a nap in the shade and came back for a snack - then we took some more photos.

When it was around 2:30 or so, we decided to leave.  My dad wanted to get back on the ship and eat a real lunch, and we'd all had enough sun by then considering we'd been sitting there for about 5 hours or so by then.

 My parents took the tender back first while Raymond and I wandered around the shops by port first.  I purchased a deck of cards for my friend for a souvenir and Raymond bought a couple of Cuban cigars.  Then we took the tender back.  And see a funny pirate ship available for rent.

We literally just relaxed the whole day, but I was still tired!  Thus I was in need of refreshment.  Raymond and I headed directly to Cafe Lattitudes and got iced lattes to help us recover from our way too relaxing day.
I decided to take some photos while I made Raymond stand in line and order.  I found a seat and plopped down.

The rest of the day was spent lazing about - reading, watching TV, wandering about the ship, and eating.

We went to the buffet for an early dinner (and of course, we had another late night snack) and I built mky own burger.  I came up with the idea of using cheese and lettuce from the salad bar instead of the stuff available at the grill.  I don't like shredded lettuce on my burgers, so I just went and got the big pieces of lettuce in the salad bar for my burger.  And I prefer provolone instead of American cheese, and they had that at the salad bar.  AND they have thousand island dressing, so I could make my own ghetto style In N Out burger.  Yay!

And of course, there's pie!

After more Star Wars glutting and picking our clothes for trekking through the jungle and packing our bags for the next day's excursion, we snack and go to bed.  The next day, we get to see Mayan ruins!

Sea days

12/15/15 - Tuesday

Ah...sea days.  These are some of my favorite types of days.  While I love to wake up in new places and see new and different and exciting things - I also really just love sitting around on my ass in my sweatpants.  So that's what Tuesday was...except for the sweatpants.  I have some vanity.  And also, it was too stinking hot for sweatpants!

We wallow in the fact that for the first time since we left home five days ago we can sleep in, and basically, have absolutely nothing to do.  We have no plans.  I LURVE having no plans!  It's so funny, when you're young it's all about plans and what to do next, etc.  Now, the best weekends (or days off) are days when there are no plans.  Built in downtime has become increasingly necessary to vacations now.

We wake up in the dark (yay for inside cabins!) and it's 10 am?  We toddle to the buffet to graze (like cows) and proceed to spend most of the day in the Solarium.  Because it is awesome.  And childless.  And has both sun and shade.  And most importantly (in the humidity) - air conditioning.

Because we moseyed over, we didn't get a poolside seat.  But we snagged a pair of ocean view lounges.  Score!  The guy next to me had one of those grown up coloring books and he spent hours there just staring at sea and coloring.  That's a good day.  When I'm older and have the patience to color, that's what I wanna do on vacation.  I'm clearly a crazy party animal.


When we got hungry, we walked across the pool area to the buffet to graze more.  Then we ran into my parents.  So we find a place to sit to hang out a bit - and take some photos!

see how nicely the ship is decorated for the holidays?

We agreed to meet up for dinner since it was formal night and while Raymond got ambitious and went to the gym, I was lazy and went back to the room where I laid in bed and watched TV the way you should on vacation.  If I recall correctly, I caught the last half of What to Expect When You're Expecting, which honestly, ended up being a much better movie that I thought it would be.  

While Raymond was working off the ice creams and I was sitting around on my at ass, my parents were a little more adventurous and explored the ship.  Then they took photos of each other.  You know, like people on vacation do.  Instead of sitting in their tiny rooms and watching TV.  

M y mom and I each packed one dress and a pair of heels...JUST for formal night.  I remember in the olden days when we first started cruising...we used to get excited about formal nights.  Now, eh.  My dad and brother didn't even bother bringing suits.  My dad (by dad I mean mom, 'cause he don't pack) only brought one white shirt and tie and a pair of slacks and dress shoes (we were NOT going to bring a heavy ass sport coat) and Raymond didn't even bring dress pants.  He just wore his jeans.  Granted, these are very expensive jeans, but they're still jeans.

Since it's rare that we get dressed up, we took some obligatory photos.  In my parents cabin.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we were too lazy to go to the centrum and take these photos.  Or  have one of the ship's photographers take a photo.  Nope, we set the timer on my small camera and just took photos on the bed.  In my parents balcony cabin.  Because that's how we roll.

I did get a very poorly lit photo of my parents while we waited for the elevators (I ain't doing no stairs in 3 inch heels.  Just saying).  

And a crappy photo in the elevator.  That I unknowingly photobombed because I am a moron.

Being that we did My Time Dining, and we were lazy, we didn't make any reservations.  We waited for about 15 minutes to be seated and ended up upstairs - we were close to the Christmas tree.

Some photos of my peeps:

I got the lobster bisque - because I am physically incapable of passing up lobster bisque when it's available.  Maybe I should learn to make it on my own?  But then I'd weigh 300 pounds because I'd just eat this all day.  Nah.

My parents got the seafood vol-au-vent, which sounds freaky fancy, but is just seafood in a puff pastry with some cream sauce.  My mom said it was fine, but not fantastic.  But my parents are pretty picky eaters when it comes to non-Chinese food.

My brother just gets his usual: shrimp cocktail if they have it.  Not exciting, but always delicious.  Oh, if only I don't break out in hives when I eat shrimp - I'd have 4 shrimp cocktails along with my lobster bisque then.  (sigh)

Er, I'm a bit fuzzy now on who ordered what, but this is what I think:

Mom got the salmon, because it was plain and she likes salmon

My dad and I got the filet, because cow is delicious

Raymond got the shrimp ravioli in lobster sauce - I think this may have been a little too cheesy and creamy for him (sacrilege!).  How can anything be too cheesy or creamy???

And here's the tree we sat by.  We were right by the stairs, so we could look down on the first floor of the Minstrel dining room.

We waddled out after dinner.  Now that we're in food coma, I just want to wipe off my makeup and crash.  And we finally get a photo of the day plate right side up!

And I get an elephant.  Because I'm awesome.

I pack my beach bag and we settle in to watch one of the Star Wars movies in preparation for Episode VII.  At around 11 pm, we get a little hungry (by hungry I mean greedy, because I wasn't really hungry) and we went to the cafe inside the solarium for some snacks.  Surprisingly, a lot of people got the munchies then too because there were many people there grabbing sandwiches, soups and desserts.  Since we were just being greedy, I got some kind of dessert bar, a small sandwich and a lemonade.  I don't remember what Raymond got because I was too busy stuffing my face.

Like gluttons in food coma, we end the night.  The next day - we arrive at the Caribbean!