Friday, June 16, 2017

The Longest not Frozen Ever After, but Finding Nemo!

Wednesday - May 3, 2017

We decide to take it easier today.  By easier it means no pre-opening breakfast ADR's, but we still wanted to make rope drop since we didn't have a FP for Test Track as we used our Tier 1 on Frozen Ever After.

We line up at the International Gateway and enter quite easily.  And we wind our way to Test Track...which is closed.  Because it rained early morning, the track is still wet and they don't think it's 100% safe yet.  So we wait.  And wait.  For about 15 minutes before we decided "screw it" and left.  And we realize that uh, JK forgot to take her Dramamine.  Which is super no bueno because she gets motion sickness, and we have a FP for Mission: Space.  

Being as we can't hit Test Track, we end up going to Starbucks instead, because we are good Americans and that's what we do.  We're both dragging as it's our 4th day in the parks, so I go to town and get 4 shots of espresso in my macchiato.  Because that's how I roll.  

my drug of choice.  FOUR SHOTS baby

As we are old ladies who need to sit down to sip our overpriced caffeine, we wander over to the covered area by Mouse Gear and drink our coffees, luxuriating in the blasts of AC we get every time the store's doors slide open.  We decide to just grab a pack of Dramamine at one of the gift shops instead of waking back to our room.  Test Track is still down so we opt instead to do Nemo and Friends since she says she needs about a hour for the Dramamine to take effect.  The reported wait time was only about 15 minutes, so it didn't seem like a big deal.  Dude, this ended up being THE LONGEST LINE WE WAITED IN ALL WEEK.  I'm completely serious.  This includes every single ride at Walt Disney World AND Universal.  We ended up waiting 26 minutes for Nemo.  We waited LESS than that for Gringotts (without Express Pass), Forbidden Journey, Mine Train, Expedition Everest, and every single E ticket ride in Orlando.  What.  The.  Hell.

An experience that should take no more than 15 minutes (including the ride itself) took about 35 minutes.  NOOOOO!!!  (deep breath)

But we ride Nemo (at least the queue was themed and air conditioned), and we realize that Test Track is operating.  Instead of waiting the 75 minute in the regular line because we are not retarded, we go in the single rider line and we're on the ride in under 15 minutes.  AFTER designing some really ugly cars.  We end up in back to back cars, so there wasn't even a wait!

After Test Track we start using our FP's - we hit Spaceship Earth, then we Mission: Space.  It's a little intense, but it's fun and unique, and she's super glad she took the Dramamine because she most definitely would've thrown up and been done for the day if she didn't.

The side effect though?  The store did not sell non-drowsy Dramamine.  WHAT THEME PARK SELLS MEDICATION THAT MAKES SOMEONE DROWSY AND THUS LESS LIKELY TO STAY AND SPEND MONEY?????  Seriously.  She staggered around like she was drunk because she was super dizzy and super sleepy.  So I decide it's a good time to do Ellen's Universe of Energy, which my parents very much enjoyed for an afternoon nap.  It's air conditioned, you stay seated, and it's like 45 minutes long.  

The waiting area had nice padded benches and we sat on one leaning up against the wall in AC.  It was quite lovely.  We then boarded the ride vehicles.  I remember seeing dinosaurs and I totally fell asleep.  So yes, I've done it, but I remember nothing else other than a younger Ellen and dinos somewhere.  Oops.  Also, this was the day I discovered the Epcot is where sunglasses go to die, because I lost mine somewhere on this ride and could NOT find it.  And boys and girls, this is why I only wear cheapie glasses on vacation.

Universe of Energy ride vehicle and theater.  I conked out about 10 minutes after this

Unsuccessful in retrieving my glasses, we start heading towards the World Showcase for our lunch ADR at Le Cellier.  I booked it because they recently came out with a prix fixe three course lunch for $50.  Also, I wanted to try their legendary cheddar cheese soup and pretzel bread.  So off to Canada we go!  We also admire all the pretty landscaping during the Flower and Garden Festival.  

We head into the Canadian Pavillion and into the fake castle building where Le Cellier is housed.  The reviews are correct - the tables are super close together and it's not exactly quiet.  

Even with an ADR, we wait a few minutes before we're lead to our table.  We decide that instead of doing two prix fixe meals, we'll do one, and then order another soup and a poutine to share.  I had thought to get the steak, but since we had steak the night before, we opted for the fancy wagyu burger  oscar something something instead.  And yes, it was super fancy and super delicious.  And the bread...oh, the bread.  I still dream about the bread.

This soup is magical.  Especially to dip the bread in

poutine - pretty good, but not the best.  I actually like the poutines at Kroft better.  That's probably Americanized poutine.

Burger with crab.  And other deliciousness. This was one crazy decadent burger.  Also, this pickle defeated JK, who can eat ALL the pickles and handle all the tart.  But this pickle...she had to give up.  It burned.

We ended with the maple creme brulee.  Even though it's made with heavy cream, I always delude myself into thinking it's "light" because it's a smooth custard...that's like 1934 calories.  It was a good lunch - a little pricey, but I think you get what you pay for here.

We needed a nap.  I was in food coma and just tired and old.  JK needed a nap because she was still high on the Dramamine.  So we head for the International head I mean we slowly shop in that direction.  Before that though, we got a few shots with the photopass photographer.

I'm teetering into food coma territory here.  Resting bitch face = I need a nap

The Canadian Pavillion is gorgeous.  I had wanted to see O Canada!, but I was too tired after lunch to wait for it.  It was not conducive to laying down.  

From Canada we headed to the UK Pavillion, which was right next to the International Gateway.  Neither of us have been to the UK before, and the buildings were so quaint and cute that we took a gazillion photos.

We visited their little Twinings tea shop and their Scottish scarves and sweaters shop (so expensive!) and I adored the herb garden in teacups outside.

And because of the Flower and Garden Festival, a lot of the pavillions had fancy extra foliage they don't usually have!

like Tinkerbell

and Peter Pan.

We wander over to France to take a look at Belle and the Beast (we had to take a sideways shot because everyone and their mother was standing right in front of it for photos) and then proceeded out of the IG to our room for a nap.  Because we are old ladies who need to nap.

selfie right by the International Gateway!

In our nice air-conditioned room, we wipe ourselves down, I change into my "room" shorts, and fall on the bed asleep...with Blackish playing the whole time.

The appeal of staying in a Disney resort...mid-day breaks made easy.  Naps are magical.  Especially naps on a comfortable bed in AC.  Ahh...

We had a Frozen Ever After FP for 5:40 pm - at 62 days out, it was literally the earliest time I could snag.  I guess many someones got in RIGHT at 4 am on the dot?  Maybe I got in at 4:00:22 am???  We roll out after 5 and do the old lady shuffle to get on Frozen Ever After.  It was...cute.  But I ain't waiting in a line longer than 30 minutes for this ride.  I guess if you can line up for it inside where it's air-conditioned and decorated, it won't be so bad because there's stuff to look at (and the AC is magical), but if I had to stand in the sun for 2 hours for this ride I'd commit seppuku 😐.  I guess it appeals to the little girls who lurve Frozen more than anything ever, but the fact that this is the hardest FP to get blows my mind.  It's cute, it's well done, and I'm impressed at what they were able to do in wedging this into an old show building and relatively unreliable ride - but come on!

I had no idea they took photos of this.  I don't even know which part of the ride this is on.  But I look totally stoned.

After the boat ride we head to Mexico and go on the Donald Duck and his Mexican bird friends ride.  Fun and entertaining, and best of all - no line!

Then we wander around.  World Showcase is just about wandering around, going into the little shops and exhibits and eating all the food offerings.  So we did that.  

Morocco is one of my favorite pavilions.  It's just gorgeous - the detailing and the!  (as you can clearly tell by the eighty thousand photos I take of it each time)

Then we explore around the world and I take photos of JK at these sites like paparazzi so she can show her family what a world traveler she is.  

she's in Venezia!

and now Roma!

Unfortunately, we needed to hustle over to the FP area for Illuminations way too soon and we missed out on seeing a lot of the World Showcase (sob!).  [Spoiler alert!  We come back!]  We went to France though, and purchased a bunch of pastries from Les Halles Boulagerie-Patisserie to eat during Illuminations...but we also get gelato cones from L'Artisan des Glaces and end up saving our delicious pastries for the next day.

I don't have photos of Illuminations because I took a gazillion last time, and this time, from the perspective the show was designed to be viewed from (between the gifts shops as you enter from Future World - see below), I just wanted to watch it  So I did.  And it was still fun.  But between the two, I prefer Wishes more.  

the circled area is where the FP viewing spot is

After Illuminations we stroll back towards IG to the Beach Club.  On the way out we stop in the World Traveler shop (damn you Disney!  Tempting me with your wares!) and I ended buying a Flower & Garden Festival themed Tervis tumbler.  It was $30, which is way too much to pay for a cup, but I actually use it every day, so I do think it was worth the money.  It's pretty (pink with flowers) and it makes me happy, so it was $30 well spent.

We trudge back to Beach Club, sad it was our last night at Disney World.  I know we still have 2 full days of Universal ahead, and we were both excited about Diagon Alley (we already have Hogsmeade here, so it's not a surprise), but we had been planning the trip for so long and it was almost over!  (it was only Wednesday night, but I was feeling dramatic).  We were both hungry, and had thrown around the idea of ordering pizza and eating in our PJ's, so that's what we did.  We got mushroom and sausage.  I know the pizza at WDW gets a bad rap, but I thought it was pretty decent.  Is it the most delicious pizza I've ever had?  No, but it's convenient, it was delivered hot and cheesy, and it hit the spot.  Sprinkle some crushed red peppers on there and it's pretty tasty.

We stuff ourselves full, pack up our stuff with Blackish (what else?) on the TV and sleep.  We have to check out the next day and head to Universal.  I had played with the idea of getting up at 6 to hit up early entry at USF, but I then came to my senses because I'm not that crazy. We decided that we were going to sleep in instead to start the last third of our trip off right.  

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