Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Another Day of Eating

Saturday - December 9, 2017

There actually aren't a whole lotta photos of this day.  And I also don't have a lot to write about...because...vacation.  I literally did nothing all day but eat and loll around.  And I was so lazy that I only took one measly super crappy photo at lunch.  Though I did take pictures of all the things at dinner.  Why?  Because we ate at Sabatini's  - one of the specialty (extra pay) restaurants on board.  And we did it because 1) we had a CRAP TON of on board credit and 2) we couldn't get reservations for dinner until 8 pm, and none of my people wanted to wait that long, so we opted to just eat at 6 at the Italian restaurant instead.  

I literally spent the day being so lazy that the only pictures I took were these:

Which means I spent hours on the balcony reading and playing games on my tablet.  Not a bad way to spend the day, eh?

The one photos I took at lunch????  "meatloaf"

I love me some meatloaf.  I seriously do.  This was...not meatloaf.  It was like an extra thick slice of bologna smothered in a sweet sauce.  It was...not awesome.  I can't say gross, but it just was not delicious.  I don't remember what else I ate, but this was the most un-meatloaf meatloaf I've ever had.  And I'm Chinese.

The only thing I remember about that day was going to afternoon tea.  I LOVE afternoon tea.  I love the little scones, cups and saucers, tiny desserts, all of it!  This was not that.  It was in one of the main dining rooms, they seat you at a table full of strangers, and there are no choices for teas.  They pour you a cup of tea, and waiters go around with little trays and baskets with little sandwiches, little scones, and little cakes (like what you get at the buffet upstairs) to offer to you and all you have is a little bread plate.  It's a nice little snack, and there's a string quartet in there...but it's not afternoon tea.  It was something I'd been looking forward to, but being it was so underwhelming (and I could get the same snacks at the coffee bar right outside or upstairs in the buffet) that we didn't do it again.  It was so underwhelming that I didn't take photos of it at all!  But we did get seated at a table full of Chinese people!  (and there were sooooo many Chinese people on this ship)  Maybe they thought we all knew each other?  Because you know, all Chinese people, all 1.5 billion of us, know each other?  

NONE of us remember what else we did on our second day at sea....which means it must have been a fantastic lazy person's day.  Because the next photos we have are...

stretchy pants and a loose tunic for the win for dinner!  Doesn't dad look super excited to be on vacation?

The restaurant is beautiful.  And pretty empty.  I think the entire 3 hours we were in there we were only one of 4 or 5 tables.  

hello delicious breadsticks!

look at these beautiful plates!  They take them away and you don't eat on them, but so pretty!

the chef sent this charcuterie plate out to us.  It's unfortunate that I'm the only one who likes cured meats, but none of us would eat the olives.  I don't do olives.  I consider them the lying grapes.  Because I ate one at a birthday party in 1987 thinking it was a grape and it traumatized the hell out of me.  So yes, I've held a grudge for 30 years.

We started off with some antipasti.  None of us got real antipasti - we were just fat asses who wanted to eat all the courses.

calamari fritti (delicious!  The batter was light and delicately crispy and the calamari was tender instead of chewy and overcooked)

I got the burrata.  Or as they call it, Burrata alla Panna con Capaccio di Pomodori.  The English translation is hand-formed cow's milk cheese with creamy lava center on tomato capaccio, balsamic syrup.  Okay.  That's just a fancy way of saying soft yummy cheese with tomatoes and oil and vinegar.

shrimp with  beans.  Or as they call it, Insalata di Gamberi, Finocchi e Canellini, which is marinated shrimp, shaved fennel and white beans, white truffle oil I think my mom only ate the shrimp on it.  

For the pasta course, we ALL go the exact same thing: Spaghetti allo Scoglio, which is langostino, diver scallops, tiger shrimp, vongoles and black mussels in cherry tomato sauce.  It was tasty, though a bit tart.  Nothing that a sprinkle of sugar couldn't fix though.

And because we are uncreative, for our main courses (Secondi Piatti), we ALL got the fanciest thing we could see.  LOBSTER.  THREE.  WAYS.  Tris d'Aragosta - lobster tail, lobster orzotto and lobster bisque sauce.  It was sooooo tasty.  And sooooo rich.  My mom couldn't finish her orzotto, which was just like risotto.  So I ate a chunk of hers too.  

For dessert I got the fancy chocolate thingy our waitress (first trip on the Island Princess from another ship!) recommended as fantastic.  It was, but being ALL chocolate, it was also super rich.  

Grace got the napolean one, which she really liked.

I'm pretty sure I was in a food coma by the end of dinner.  And it was like, 9 pm.  Because dinner was about 3 hours.  Which for impatient Chinese eaters was like, 11.04583 hours of dinner.  I was full and lazy (I'm never not lazy) and toddled back to the room to shower and veg, because we had to get up early the next morning for our first excursion.  I don't remember if my parents went to one of the (old peeps) bars to listen to music (from the 60's.  Music wise, this was my dad's dream cruise), but I'm pretty sure I showered and sprawled on the couch to watch tv before bed.  

Tomorrow, we visit Colombia!

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